Satan Dragon achieves 40,000 points in Satanic Ritual.

On March 2nd 2024, Satan Dragon surpassed 40,000 career points scored in The NBA. In a Satanic ritual.

In Gematria which is geometry in language, Forty Thousand Points= 234.
Ritual= 234; and everything Satan Dragon does a ritual.
Gun= 234. If you’re not aware, human beings are being shot for The Beast LeBron Raymone James. Check out my blogpost Central Cee and LeBron James 666 Gematria Decode which has multiple examples of this; from Takeoff, King Von and Central Cee’s associate Fdot.
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The Beast/ Satan Dragon Says New York is his “Favourite Playground”

Today LeBron Raymone James uploaded a picture to his Instagram story, stating that New York is his favourite playground… Let me show you The Esoteric and Occult secret to why he made this statement.
In Gematria; which is geometry in language, New York= 666. This being The Number of The Beast.
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Nemzzz & Central Cee Hidden Ritual

Notice right now as of 24th of February Central Cee & Nemzzz both have a connection to the number 107. Central Cee has 10.7 Million followers on Instagram and Nemzzz has 107K Subscribers on YouTube.
In Gematria which is Geometry in language, the word Shooting= 107; and who is cosmically responsible to manifesting this type of ritual? Who really is cosmically running humanity?
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