Introspective Ideas/ The Journey

My name is Samuel Zephaniah Bailey and welcome to my new website Introspective Ideas. My reason for making this website is to help the masses of people worldwide to grow spiritually, mentally and physically; through me utilising this platform to initiate you all to go on your own personal journey and awaken to deeper levels of understanding of who you are beyond your physical body through introspection. My goal is to help you all realise that as humans beings we are more than just our physical body, we are multi-dimensional beings having a human being experience. Through knowing this you will have more control over your emotions, realise your purpose in life and fundamentally have higher levels of consciousness; which will result in you realising that life is about experiences and we are all here for the experience of life. With this perspective and knowing you will begin to eliminate fear from your life, resulting in you being led by your souls desires and dreams. which will ensure that you create the best experiences in your life and you fulfil your lives purpose.

I like to view life as a journey, although we all have destinations we want to get to its the journey thats really the gift. Without the journey the destination wouldn’t be as appreciated once we get there. therefore you should embrace your own personal journey and appreciate every minor or major milestone you achieve; its the accumulation of these that give you the experiences for you to look back and see how far you’ve came. we all have the potential to become the version of ourselves which is operating at our highest capacity, living and experiencing the vision we have for ourselves in our minds. Introspective Ideas is for anyone who wants to develop a greater awareness of how reality works beyond the surface level, and awaken to their true authentic self.