Satan Dragon achieves 40,000 points in Satanic Ritual.
On March 2nd 2024, Satan Dragon surpassed 40,000 career points scored in The NBA. In a Satanic ritual.
In Gematria which is geometry in language, Forty Thousand Points= 234.Ritual= 234; and everything Satan Dragon does a ritual.Gun= 234. If you’re not aware, human beings are being shot for The Beast LeBron Raymone James. Check out my blogpost Central Cee and LeBron James 666 Gematria Decode which has multiple examples of this; from Takeoff, King Von and Central Cee’s associate Fdot.Sin= 234, it’s Satan Dragon who is The ultimate sinner, the deceiver of the world. Who worships death.Mark of The Beast= 234. the same as forty thousand points= 234.Revelation 13:17 states no man shall buy or sell without receiving his mark.Which is why Drake uploaded a picture to his Instagram with Satan Dragon’s face on the money. Showing you who he really is as Satan Dragon/ The Beast From The Book of Revelations.Revelation 13:18 States you have to count The Number of The Beast.His full name LeBron Raymone James (205+79+281+101)= 666. He is The Beast.The same as the phrase Shot for LeBron James (215+80+271+100)= 666, again human being are being killed for The Beast.Everything in The Universe, exists and is created through Sacred Geometry. Gematria is geometry in language; which is a form of mysticism. It’s a technique to manipulate fundamental reality. Which is why Satan Dragon utilises this to perform his rituals.Satan Dragon completed The Milestone of 40,000 points on March 2nd 2024. Which was the 62nd day of the year. Sacrifice= 62.The Lakers record after The game was 33-29, which means it was also their 62nd game of The season. In which they faced The Denver Nuggets. Notice The Lakers scored 114 points in the game. Which is another part of the ritual.Satan Dragon= 114 and LeBron James= 114. He is Satan Dragon in disguise.From Satan Dragon’s birthday on December 30th 2023 to March 2nd 2024, the day he achieved 40,000 career points was 63 days.Which is another part of this ritual. Sixty three days= 666. The Number of The Beast, which is Satan Dragons Geometrical Pattern. His Number.Satan Dragon had 26 points in the game.26 points= 107, the same as shooting= 107.Also notice there was a combined 238 points scored in the game.Which is Kobe Bryant’s birthday 23/8 like 238.From The anniversary of Kobe Bryant’s death this year on January 26th 2024, to the date Satan Dragon achieved the milestone of 40,000 points was 36 days. Which is another part of the ritual, because 666 is the 36th triangular number.Notice Kobe’s full name Kobe Bean Bryant= 738 and 126, and he died on 1/26, January 26th 2020.Mark of The Beast= 738.Reptilians, Number of a man and The Holy Bible all= 738 and 123.The Holy Bible describes The Beast as the ‘number of a man’= 123. The Beast’s full name Lebron Raymone James= 1230 like 123 because the 0 is a null value. 1230 is also his birthday December 30th written in The US as 12/30 like 1230.Revelation 13:4 states The Dragon gave power to The Beast. Which we know is Satan Dragon.Dragons= 666. which is The Number of The BeastShapeshift= 666. Kobe Bryant and Satan Dragon are both extraterrestrial shapeshifting Dragons.Kobe Bryant was known as The Black Mamba= 354, the same as Dragon= 354.He scored his career high 81 points in his 666th Basketball Game.Ritual= 81.Basketball Game= 666, The Number of The Beast, Basketball was created by Dragons, hence why The iconic star players are shapeshifting Dragons/ Reptilians.The words Disguise and Ancient both= 123 and 738, The same as Number of a man, The Holy Bible and Reptilians= 123 and 738. Satan Dragon and Kobe Bryant are in cosmic disguises, their shapeshifting extraterrestrial Dragons.Satan Dragon was drafted into The NBA by his hometown team The Cleveland Cavaliers.The four based cyphers of Cleveland Cavaliers (168+69+318+111)= 666. The same as his full name LeBron Raymone James (205+79+281+101)= 666. Satan Dragon is The Ancient Dragon talked of in The Booked of Revelations.Which is why his name LeBron has the same Geometrical patterns as the word Ancient. keep in mind we live in a Beast System ran by The Beast.He’s also looked The Same Age from when he was a child till now. Further proving he’s Ancient.Internet= 666, and computer= 666, which are two major key components of Humanity running the way it currently does right now in 2024. Without these components the world can’t function the way it does. Which is by design, it’s all apart of a cosmic agenda, which goes beyond this dimension.Mark of Beast= 666. If we look at the world today, it’s easy see The Mark of The Beast would run a technological society, with a cashless system; in which A.I’s would take over. You can already see society going this way, from everything going contactless and technology being apart of our everyday lives all the time. Which is why Satan Dragon is being an A.I in his recent films. Such as here in Space Jam 2.He’s also an A.I in his movie House Party. Keep in mind an A.I is artificial intelligence, which is an illusion of true life/A Human Being.The word Illusion= 666. Do you see how all the key words and phrases in the English Alphabet have been purposely geometrically constructed for Satan Dragon’s Agenda. Humanity= 111, 39 and 666. The same as Dragons= 111, 39 and 666. I’ve been proving to you that it’s Dragons who are truly running this dimension and conspiring against humanity. Keep in mind the universe is multidimensional, Dragons are extraterrestrial beings.Who know how to rule over the consciousness of human beings and create illusions. Hence why the majority of humanity have no idea about occult knowledge, Gematria, spirituality at a high level or the disguises these extraterrestrials are in. which is why I teach to see beyond The Status Quo of your Human Paradigm, which is lost in illusions and receive The True light from King Jesus Christ. We covered the word Ancient= 738 and Reptilians= 738. Notice King Jesus Christ= 738 in a Satanic Cypher. Which further proves these Dragons/ shapeshifting Reptilians have come through a Satanic Geometrical pattern to try and attack King Jesus Christ. To deceive humanity towards The Beast. However King Jesus Christ in the end Defeats The Ancient Dragon. Who is The Deceiver of The World.