Signs, Symbols and Situations

One of the fundamental essences of life is communication. We all take part in communication on a daily bases; whether it be in person, or on social media communication is simply the exchange of ideas or information. As human beings we put a great amount of emphasis on verbal communication when exchanging ideas with the people in our lives. However we sometimes fail to realise the silent forms of communication which come to us through signs, symbols and situations.

We live in a universe which is metaphysical, which means everything has an intrinsic connection; including you and how you relate to the universe. Coming to this realisation will show you that the events taking place in your life aren’t just random occurrences. They are synchronised with each other, and the universe is talking to you all the time giving you guidance and direction. I believe we all experience synchronicity throughout our lives, its just our limited perception which doesn’t allow us to tune in to the communication we are receiving on a higher frequency. Think about some of the events you’ve experienced in life which you can’t explain but appear mystical. The time when you thought about a certain person and they reached out to you right after, or you happened to see them. Or the times when your not in alignment with your true self and everywhere you go you keep seeing things your passionate about, and have been wanting to pursue for some time. These are all examples of the universe communicating to you through signs, symbols and situations. Silent forms of communication is the highest form of communication, as it speaks directly to our soul and only ourselves can perceive the hidden meaning behind the events occurring to us.

Although we are receiving this form of communication, its for us to connect the dots in our life experiences to perceive the guidance we are being given. This can be done by taking note of the meaningful/ reoccurring events you find yourself in and asking the right questions; why am I seeing this consistently? What could this mean in regards to where I should be putting my focus and the direction in which I should take my life? The answers are all within you, the signs, symbols and situations are purely external references speaking directly to your internal being in a higher frequency of communication. By seeking the answers from within over a period of time, you will begin to develop a more in-depth awareness of reality itself and how you are being guided throughout your life.  We all have a purpose that we are here to fulfil in our lives, through utilising introspection we can best align ourselves with who we need to be to fulfil our purpose.