Being a visionary

For anyone to reach their highest potential in life we can all agree that having a purpose is critical to our long-term success. Which goes hand in hand with having a vision we’re working towards and becoming.  Being a visionary is utilising your imagination to plan and create a life in which you desire.

We all need a reason for being alive, our soul is constantly seeking ways in which we can express ourselves, in order to reach emotional fulfilment.  Without a vision we find ourselves aimlessly drifting through life, not being in touch with who we really are on a soul level. Obtaining a vision for your life can be done by practicing introspection to seek answers from within. To discover what inspires you in life? Who do you want to become? What are you doing when your in your highest emotional state of being? When do you feel most alive? Our soul communicates to us through the vibrational and emotional state we’re in when doing something we have passion for.  All we have to do is identify what it is we love to do, and create a vision around our passion.

Once you establish a vision your working towards, the next step is to alter your self-image to the alignment of your vision. The key is to become emotionally involved with the version of yourself you see living out your vision. Thinking from that perspective, feeling the emotions you would feel, and taking the actions you would be taking. The universe is governed by frequency, vibration and energy. Frequencies are simply ideas, the vision for your life is on a certain frequency, you have to hold that idea in your mind. Vibrations are the emotional state of something or someone; you have to be emotionally involved with your vision as your current reality. The energy is the physical manifestation of something. This would be the way you see yourself, to be a vibrational match to your vision of who you want to be; which will cause the world around you to reflect your vision back to you in your results.

The version of any of us at our highest potential, has removed all the fear from within them which was holding them back. The key is to become the person your currently afraid to be. When you align your thoughts/ideas, emotions and actions towards what it is you want to create in your life, you will start to notice synchronised events reflecting back to you who your being. This is the process of aligning your inner self with your external world, to create a vision for yourself, and consequently become a visionary.