Positioning Yourself to Win

I believe that in this life we all want to be successful, collect the accolades for our recognition and ultimately know that we won. Whatever a win means to you. In order for us to reach our full potential in anything, we have to invest our: time, money, attention, energy and focus. However some people invest all of these and still never manage to reach the highest level of whatever area of life their involved in. This is where positioning yourself to win comes in to play; which is creating your success following the path of least resistance.

In order for you to follow this path, it requires you to have a greater awareness of who you are. Discovering what natural abilities, talents and inner passions you have; which is done through introspection. In order to position yourself to win, the key is to first be in touch with who you are within. Reflect back on your life so far, ask yourself what have I always been good at? Where in life have I managed to have success with relative ease? What do people value in me? My suggestion to you would be to write the answers you come up with down, and keep adding to them over time. Eventually you’ll come to a clear awareness of your natural talents and abilities; which means your ready to tap in to your limitless potential.

When you have a full awareness of your abilities and talents, it’s your responsibility to maximise them. Which may sound overwhelming, however if you chose the right space, you’ll see how this will work in your favour. We can all agree that most sectors of life are overcrowded by people who shouldn’t be in that particular space, resulting in a lot of mediocre content and efforts being produced. Which will work to your benefit if you positioned yourself to win. Due to you working with your natural talents and abilities, your efforts will reap greater results than most people in your given field. This is due to you being in the right space in life for you to succeed; your ability combined with your efforts will produce a separation between you and those who only have the effort but not your ability. Resulting in you being able to reach higher levels of success than most people in your field, giving you the opportunity to reach your potential of being one of the best at your craft.

Following the path of least resistance will cause you to have a smoother road to success, than those who are forcing themselves to be in a space they don’t have the ability to achieve in. If you’ve developed your self-awareness through introspection, I already know what decision you’ve made. Position yourself to Win.