Being Grateful for All your Experiences

To me, the essence of life is all about the experiences we go through from the beginning to the end. Whether it be going on holidays, spending time with loved ones/ family or doing what we love. We can all agree that experiences are priceless because their to be felt and not brought. However we all live in a culture which is subject to the terminology of grouping our experiences in to W’s and L’s (Wins or Loses). In a society which has normalised people to compare their life situations and circumstances to the 5% of other people’s lives we see on social media; I feel called to remind those that value my perspective to be grateful for all of their experiences regardless whether they fit the category of a W or L.

The universe works within an ebbing flow and rhythm, and so do all of our lives. Light can’t exist without darkness, the sun can’t exist without the moon; and you can’t exist without having an ebbing flow of events you see as positive or negative in your life (W’s and L’s). The key to this is to realise that everything you experience throughout your life is subject to your perception; and you can polarise yourself to the perception that best serves you to grow and move forward.

As we become more self aware of who we are as spiritual beings having this human being experience, we can gain the insight and ability to analyse the events in our lives from a higher frequency/perception. The highest form of communication is silent forms of communication; the universe communicates to everyone through the signs, symbols and situations they go through. While an ignorant person complains about their external circumstances, the self aware person becomes the student, analysing their life situations from a spiritual perspective, thus becoming the cause of the effects they desire to experience.

Through this insight we come to the realisation that we can learn from both our (W’s and L’s) by realising that there is positive and negative in all of our life experiences; otherwise they would cease to exist as explained already. We become the student when we gain the ability to analyse and overlook our life situations by asking the right questions; what is this (W or L) communicating to me? What can I learn from this to help me grow? Which perception of this situation is gonna best serve me to get the future results I want from my life?

The key fundamental to the message I’m giving you today is, our perception is everything. We all have lessons we need to learn throughout this lifetime to help us grow on all planes of our existence: physically, spiritually and mentally. However, it’s for us to realise that our highest level of growth comes when we gain the ability to look beyond the surface level ego perspective and embody/ incorporate our spiritual facilities in our everyday lives; to help us perceive the deeper lessons we need to learn from our (W’s and L’s).

Throughout this journey we call life, at a certain point we come to the realisation that there is no experience that is completely good or bad. However they are two different poles of the same polarity. Take light and dark, is there a point where light changes and suddenly becomes completely dark? Is there a measurement when tall changes to small? These are clear examples to show you that perception is the fundamental key to the meaning you apply to the events in your life; which is the practice of Mental Alchemy. My advice to you is, whether you deem an experience to be a (W or L) embody the perception which is gonna best serve you to get the results you want. Remember life is about the experience, live in the present moment and you’ll see for yourself how priceless all your experiences truly are.